Thursday, 4 October 2012

Reviews: Get Ready to Read Through the Night...

and you may want to keep the lights on (no judgement).

dear readers,

I have been lucky this month and had a chance  to read Advanced Copies of two brilliant suspense/mystery authors: Tami Hoag and Lisa Gardner.  Both had their start in the romance genre before they went into the suspense genre for which they are now known for. (I received both ARCs from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)


Oak Knoll
1. Deeper than the Dead (2010) 4 STARS
2. Secrets to the Grave (2011) 4 STARS
3. Down the Darkest Road (2011) 4 STARS
Deeper Than the DeadSecrets to the GraveDown the Darkest Road 
The Oak Knoll series is named for the town these novels take place in (California, USA) and are set from mid-80s to 1990.  What I love about this series is that this is pre-CSI era where it is more detective work and instinct versus DNA and profiling.  Former FBI agent Vince Leone is in fact one of the pioneers of profiling so we get the beginning of this new tool.  The characters are all realistic and could fit in the present day but the setting around them reminds you that this a few decades back.  Though you could potentially read these novels as a standalone or out of order - I would advise against it.  Many of the characters run through all of the novels and unfortunately the third book does reveal some spoilers for the first.  I think that this series is so wonderful just read book one and I dare you not to continue.

(BOOK 3) 
written by TAMI HAOG
genre: thriller, mystery, suspense


Lauren's perfect family has fallen apart - her eldest daughter has been missing for years and her husband has left her a widow.  She is angry and wanting justice she takes her daughter, Leah and moves to Oak Knoll to start anew - except the man she suspects of her daughter's disappearance has also moved to the neighbourhood.  Det. Tony Mendez of Oak Knoll has been put in the middle to discover the truth.

I really like this series and this novel was no disappointment.  I hope Hoag continues with the series.  I love the late 80s/early 90s setting and the characters are wonderful and has wonderful suspense keeping you flipping the pages. 


D.D. Warren
1. Alone (2005) 4 STARS
2. Hide (2007) 3 STARS
3. The Neighbor (2009) 3 STARS
4. Live to Tell (2010) 4 STARS
5. Love You More (2011) 2.5 STARS
6. Catch Me(2012) 3 STARS
The 7th Month (2012)
AloneHideThe NeighborLive to Tell
Love You MoreCatch MeThe 7th Month

D.D. Warren is a female homicide detective in the Boston PD and tough as nail in and out her job.  She likes her freedom but is strongly attracted to fellow BPD detective, Bobby Dodge.  I like this character because is not a damsel in distress or cold unfeeling bitch - she is the perfect blend of strength and compassion.  These books can be read on there on own but there is a story that goes through the novels.

The first 2 books Alone and Hide are more of Bobby Dodge's story than D.D.'s but gives you a great introduction to her character.  The 3-6 book feature her as the main character.  The novella The 7th Month should be read before Catch me and after Love You More. The 7th Month will be released January 10, 2012.

(Book 6)
written by Lisa Gardner
genre: thriller, mystery, suspense
COMING: February 7, 2012


Charlie cannot remember exact details of her childhood with her mother only that her mother was not entirely sane and hurt her and her siblings.  After a fire she is sent to live with her Aunt and starts to rebuild her life as best she can.  Then the nightmare has started again - 2 years ago her best friend was murdered and the case was never solved.  Then the following year to the date her other best friend is murdered and again the case goes unsolved.  Now it is another year and Charlie is prepping for the fight of her life.  

D.D. Warren is now the mother of baby Jack and is back on the force.  She feels something is not quite right with Charlie, but also has another case of young pedophiles being murdered.  Like Charlie's best friends, there was no forced entry or much disturbed.  

I am a big fan of the D.D. Warren series - she is a realistic portrayal of a female detective in Boston PD.  She is ballsy and yet vulnerable.  I was not overly joyed with Charlene Rosalind Carter Grant as a main character.  I just did not care for her as a character and to be honest hoped she would exit left.  I have given this novel 3 starts mainly for the great writing, twists and suspense and because of the realistic nature of the novel.


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