Friday, 5 October 2012


dear readers,

I am in love! And his name is Kobo (technology is a he to me as they can be moody).  I love books - the feeling of holding it in your hands, flipping the pages and just the joy of browsing the  shelves of libraries and book stores.  I would never promote eReaders over books or as a replacement.  But at this stage in my life it is kind of turning into a need and I am enjoying it.  Sad as it may sound, but I smile when I pull out my kobo, as turn it on, browse my library and pick a book.  Sigh (of pleasure).

I take the bus and train to work and it takes me an hour to get to work, and an hour and an half getting home.  I am used to carrying at least 2-3 books in my bag among my other must haves. Sometimes I am just finishing a book and I want to make sure I have something else to read.  But what if what I pick is not good...pack another book as a back up.  Switching to Kobo has made my body rejoice I am actually having less shoulder/neck pain.

As "lovers" of transit you must enjoy the swaying, quick braking, bumps, holding the pole with one hand and a book with the other.  Your wrist bending back and people brushing past your book and turning pages (shudder).  The Kobo Touch is pretty lightweight so is easy on the wrists and with ease you can flip the pages by using your thumb.

I have allergies to dust and smoke so sometimes borrowing books from the library can be...not as great.  (Not counting weird stains on pages).  When I borrow from the eLibrary it is great.  No late fees (books erase on due date). You can borrow a book at midnight when you have finished book 2 and need book 3 ASAP!  And it is always in pristine condition :)
I also love that I can put it into my purse and if I am stuck in line or waiting somewhere I have something to read!

These are just some of the advantages for me.


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