dear readers,
You must be wondering...
"Who is the rambler behind this blog?"
That would be me, Kris from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I am
female and in my early 30s and have been a reader all my life. My
first book from the library was an art book on Leonardo Da Vinci that weighed
more than I did. From that moment I was hooked on books, and learned to
read from memorizing words from books my dad read me before bed. And,
the moment I got the hang of the reading thing I was off and reading.
My parents have always been great...taking me to library and listening to me go on and on about a book I just finished. Usually on Friday evening I would be sitting by the door with my library bag and card in hand waiting for my dad. He would open the door see me sitting there smile and sigh at the same time. I would run ahead eager to go through the shelves. My dad would sit and read his newspaper while I explored. 30 minutes later I would be standing in front of him with a pile of books I could barely carry. On the way home I would read the jacket synopsis to him. When my dad worked night shifts my mom would take me on the bus to the library so that I was never with out books. When we could afford it they would always buy me something to add to my library. It is due to them I am able to travel to different worlds without leaving my armchair.
My first job was working as a Page (shelving and organizing books) at a library and it was a great place to be exposed to books and readers. It would be my second job at a local bookstore that would let me absorb a lot of knowledge surrounding books, authors, series, genres, etc. The owners were...not much of readers but my co-workers were amazing. They were true book lovers and finally I had people I could talk books with who understood my passion and what I was saying. As talking books while working was actually frowned upon some of us formed a book club and this February it will be our ninth year.
Just when I thought I was fulfilled I came across Shelfari and it has changed my reading life. I have found some book soul mates who understand and share my passion with books and reading. They even accept my anal need to read series in exact order. I am most grateful for their recommendations and have become less snobby but more critical (this will make more sense later).
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