Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Novak is Back with a Historical Romance: Through the Smoke

dear readers,

I have been a fan of Brenda Novak's romantic suspense when I read her Last Stand series. Next I tried Whiskey Creek and became a fan of her contemporary romance.  Only one more of Novak's romantic genre was left to try...historical romance... 

(I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review).

Written by Brenda Novak 
genre: historical romance


Although Truman's wife Lady Katherine betrayed and taunted him he must find her murderer.  While his powerful in-laws are hoping he is hanged for their daughter's death he tries to find out who was responsible for the fire. After much investigating alongside his butler, Linley he turns to bookstore owner Rachel for answers.  Was her father paid to set Truman's house on fire? And who paid him to do it? 

Rachel meanwhile loses her mother and Truman's attention has turned the townspeople against her.  Without her bookstore and having to take care of her brother she takes Truman's offer to work in his household service.  

As the two try to stay away from one another Lady Katherine's murder seems to bring the two closer.  As they try to figure out the mystery the more desperate the murderer seems to become.

Brenda Novak started out writing historical novels and has returned to her roots with Through the Smoke.  This is my first historical novel by Novak and definitely will not be my last.  I read this novel in one setting and really enjoyed it. I like historical romances but the mystery and suspense in this novel just heighten my enjoyment.  If you are a fan of historical romances, mystery and suspense or of Novak you will need to read this novel!

*Through the Smoke was published October 15, 2013.

Read an excerpt on Brenda Novak's website:

For more Historical Romances by Brenda Novak:


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